Membership FAQS

What is the EMALS Association?

The Euro-Mediterranean Association of Life Sciences (EMALS) is a scientific association aims to contribute effectively to the international and national programs of scientific research development along with providing strategic services which affect the lives of scientists, researchers, and their assistants; develop their professional and research competence; and to the participation in raising the awareness and enlightening of various society segments.

What makes EMALS valuable to its members?

EMALS members have access to a variety of member activities and benefits. Learn more about member benefits and resources please click here or email us at

What is the function of the EMALS Association?

  • Building scientific and professional relationships at the national level, the Arab world, North Africa, the Mediterranean basin, and international levels.
  • Discovery of the most promising talents in scientific research and provide technical support to help them reach their goal.
  • Provide professional and educational services to association members and all segments of the society.

How do I join or renew membership with EMALS?

If you are joining EMALS for the first time, please follow this Application Guide.
If you are renewing your EMALS membership, please email us at

Who are EMALS members?

The EMALS members Summit is a Scientific Association designed for senior-level attendees from leading Natureal products, drug delivery, pharmaceutical, and biotechnology organizations, along with highly esteemed members of academic and government institutions. Delegates typically include:

Professionals from both the public and private sectors:

  • Life Science Scientists/Researchers
  • Clinician/ Doctors
  • Key leaders in R & D
  • Business Development
  • Decision-makers in the life science sectors
  • Undergraduate and postgraduate students

What are the benefits of EMALS membership?

EMALS works by bringing International Scientific Researchers into dialogue with each other, their counterparts around the world, organizations that promote international research, and organizations concerned with the shaping and management of Scientific Research. Some benefits of membership include:

  • Professional development workshop, retreats, and seminars
  • Workshops in scientific writing and project management.
  • Fast publication of articles in special issues of BioNat with reduced fees for processing, editing, and formatting.
  • Participating in conferences, training courses, workshops, and seminars with reduced fees that reach 50%
  • Providing competitive to distinguished postgraduate full grants students.

What types of EMALS memberships are available and what are the fees?

  • Institutional/ Organizational Membership: €150 annual (calendar year) fee to be paid by a senior representative of a non-profit institution or organization and covers that representative only. The fee for-profit organization is €300 annually.
  • Affiliate Membership: $50 annual (calendar year) fee to be paid by an individual or a member institution or organization. There is no limit to the number of additional individual memberships registered under each institution/ organization. Important! Institutional/organizational membership fee must be paid before additional individuals can join.
  • Student Affiliate Membership: $25 annual (calendar year) fee to be paid by a Student (Full-time undergraduate, graduate, or postgraduate student) of a member institution or organization. There is no limit to the number of additional individual memberships registered under each institution /organization. Important! Institutional/organizational membership fee must be paid before additional individuals can join. Student Affiliate membership requires an endorser: a faculty member from the student’s institution.
  • Retiree Membership: EMALS approves a limited number of retiree memberships from long-standing members who have strong association ties. If you are a current and long-time member of EMALS who is retiring, please contact for approval and registration process.
  • Unaffiliated Individual Membership: $75 annual (calendar year) fee to be paid by individuals not affiliated with member institutions or organizations who want to hold membership in EMALS.

Does an institutional/organizational membership mean that anyone at that institution/organization belongs to EMALS?

No, an institutional/organizational membership is connected directly to only one representative of that institution/organization. Once the institutional/organizational membership fee is paid by a representative, then other members can pay the additional membership fee of $75 each to join EMALS.

How should I join EMALS if I am paying for a membership myself? 

EMALS memberships are often paid for by an organization or institution, and to reflect this, the membership remains with the institution even when an individual member might move before the membership has expired. If your institution or organization does not pay your membership dues, you may want to consider joining as an Unaffiliated Individual so the membership transfers if you change positions.

Is there a student EMALS membership category? 

Yes, however, if your university has an Institutional membership, you are able to join EMALS as an individual member.

Is there special pricing for under-resourced institutions? 

Not at this time, though this policy is currently under review.

What is the EMALS membership cycle?

  • Membership is based on the calendar year and runs January 1 through December 31.
  • It is not possible to pro-rate membership fees.
  • Deadline: Membership applications for the 2017 year will be accepted through October 30 for payment via check or wire transfer. Membership applications will be processed for 2018 if received after these deadlines.

It’s already August and I’d like to join EMALS. Can my membership fee be pro-rated since the year is already half over?

Please note that it is not possible to pro-rate membership fees.

Do my membership benefits take effect immediately?

As soon as payment is received, your membership will be activated within 45 business days from when payment is received at the EMALS Secretariat.

What is my EMALS member number?

EMALS does not issue member numbers. Memberships are identified by e-mail address and/or the name of the institution/organization.

How do I change my contact information with EMALS?

You can easily update your information. Simply go to our website and click on the Membership form in the upper right-hand corner, download the Membership Application as a Word file, complete with the changed information and print it, sign and email it as an attachment to   If you are now at a different institution/organization, you will need to start a new membership unless that institution/organization is already a current member.

Can I cancel my membership?

No, EMALS membership cannot be canceled or refunded. However, membership may not be renewed on a case-to-case basis.

How do I transfer my EMALS membership to a different institution/organization?

If you are listed on the institutional/organizational account, you may transfer the account to another senior international officer within the same member institution/organization by sending name and contact information to This account transfer will be valid through the end of the membership term unless notified otherwise.

If you have an individual membership, you will not be able to transfer your membership to another institution/organization. You can, however, transfer one individual to another individual in the same institution/organization.

I’m a paid member but I’m not receiving e-mails from the EMALS listserv?

If you find you are not receiving e-mails from EMALS, please contact

How do I post messages on the EMALS members-only listserv?

Simply send an e-mail to Make sure that you start the subject line with “EMALS“: __________” to announce your topic.

Reminder: The message must be sent from the email address affiliated with your EMALS membership.

I am receiving emails from EMALS; how did I get on the list? 

Members are automatically added to the members-only lists, as well as EMALS email updates (sent once a week at the most). If you have applied for an EMALS membership form on the website, you will also receive regular updates from EMALS. To unsubscribe, please contact

What if I have membership questions not answered in the FAQs?

Please don’t hesitate to contact the EMALS Secretariat directly at If you don’t hear from us within a week, please check your spam box.
