fatigue after partial thyroidectomy

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fatigue after partial thyroidectomy

Rationale: Maximizes supply and absorption of calcium if parathyroid function is impaired. They also tell you that you might be tired for a few weeks. Needless to say, this whole process two surgeries- was not fun. I was running half marathons right before surgery. Good luck! Good luck! I had my surgery on the 21st of September and just received my pathology report that it is benign. However, I daresay it is not worth postponing this procedure even though it can be scary. This medicine will keep you asleep and free from pain during surgery. Thanks for your post and all the response. My nodule was approximately 5cm, and was causing hyperthyroid symptoms (tremors/heart palpitations/anxiety/etc). One surgeon told me that my down time would be 2 days (which is a complete crock, on hindsight). My right lobe measured 6.1 x 3.8 x 3.1 cm. hope the best for you. Again happy birthday!!! And God forbid I cough swallowing is still a little tender. Never weight for a perfect season to get any surgery that was deemed necessary for you. A list of national and international resources and hotlines to help connect you to needed health and medical services. Conclusion: Im so glad everything went well. I am 68 years old and NEVER had surgery; you can imagine how frightened I was. Makes sense. I had a wonderful surgeon who performs 70-80 of these surgeries a year! The surgery itself went well and the day of was not bad. Surgeon giving me the option of a partial or full thyroidectomy says its up to me. Results: Introduction: On the other hand, I have to be honest that I am experiencing things with the second surgery- no thyroid (nausea, sweating) that I didnt have with just a partial thyroidectomy. Best of luck to you, you will be healed in no time! The majority of patients were treated with total thyroidectomy with or without nodal dissection (total thyroidectomy with lymph node removal [49.3%] or total thyroidectomy [38.3%]). Hi Orpa. But, everyone heals differently. I had one prior to my surgery and it was good that I did. It is right in the crease of my neck. If you can, try to go in late and no matter how tempted you are, do not work late. I have three small children under the age of 6, and know I need to do this. I took a decent amount of pain meds for the first week and ate mostly soft foods. Not sure if I should postpone my surgery until after. Did this affect your weight? Im very nervous about this surgery on Monday, so any tips I need to know would be appreciated! STIs are the most common cause of genital sores. hi Mary, Im planning the same partial thyroidectomy surgery Thursday, and back to work on Monday, because I own a business and cannot get any more time off than that. Jackson Levin N, Zhang A, Reyes-Gastelum D, Chen DW, Hamilton AS, Zebrack B, Haymart MR. J Cancer Surviv. Mine was also benign and 5cm when it was discovered. Hi, Orpa, I agree, this site was so valuable to me when I had my hemithyroidectomy. 2 years later and the lack of all the nourishment, colonics and spiritual enlightenment I received at OHI, I gained 40 pounds due to some extremely large nodules on my right thyroid area that kind or crept up without my knowledge. The worst thing has been the tiredness. You may need to take medicine daily to keep your thyroid hormone level steady. Easy for your Endocrinologist to say, he doesn't have to live with your symptoms that are most likely due to inadequate levels of Free T4 and free T3, which are the biologically active thyroid hormones. I sometimes have no energy or motivation to do anything at all. My thyroid functions were normal. Thanks a lot for those testomonies. Ive been thinking about what you said and youre right its not going away. Energy. Somethings not right. doi: 10.1136/bmj.i3839. Gao J, Wang X, Zhang L, Li J, Qin X, Wang L, Zhao J. My nodule was 4cm. Jewels xo. Noticed nodule while shaving in 2013 Ultrasound said I have 3.7cm nodule in right lobe. I think surgery was like 120 min including prep. I have to sleep sat upright because I have what I would describe as sleep apnoea symptoms, and wake myself up with loud snoring, Ive never been a snorer until now. It really looks fantastic. A week ago I had it removed along with a partial thyroidectomy. i have been fine after that BUT the mri showed another smaller cysts non liquid. Losing weight to get control of blood sugar. Please keep me posted on your progress. then since my left love didnt have cancerous cells i need the right side taken out & that will be on May 17. so just stock up on apple sauce, jello, soups etc. You could imagine my concern and fear and I was told that that combination I was taking made my kidneys fail a little. I only stayed in hospital about 36 hours this time, but need to get blood drawn frequently because my creatinine level is still too high. Thanks so much for your replies- I really appreciate it and find it helpful. Hi, Eunice, I find that Im slightly hoarse due to breathing tube irritation and Im also very tired. After you enlighten yourself with the research you will be more confident about your situation and better able to consult with your doctor. I'll request all this blood work! This site was so helpful for me as I mentally prepared for my partial thyroidectomy. Required fields are marked *. They start you on thyroxine to replace what your body is missing and check your levels/ make adjustments. What to Expect After Thyroid Surgery | University of Maryland Medical Im actually sick from the anemia but have no symptoms from the thyroid issue. It turn out to be a 4 mm tumor- papillary carcinoma with follicular variant. The nodule on my left side was 7cmthere was hardly any thyroid tissue. I notice that I still have a pulling sensation or the feeling of have a tight or high collar shirt on. Anyone else having these experiences. Medically reviewed by Drugs.com. Its important to keep the incision area moist once the wound has closed up to reduce scarring. Im nervous about whether I will need medication, but realize I wont know this for 4-6 weeks. As soon as I got the diagnosis, I put myself on a plane from Norfolk VA to San Diego and checked myself into the Optimum Health Institute in Lemon Grove where I successfully reversed the condition with diet, wheatgrass, colonics and a bunch of hippy dippy stuff that I must say, worked like a charm. As far as the scar, it's not that visible anymore and I also have a "adams apple" like appearance above the scarand i'm sure that it's due to the "surgery", the area that was surgically cut and also not having a thyroid. I just ordered ScarAway today. I teach starting next weekday 11think it will go okay. since the surgery Ive had mixed emotions. The frozen pathology during surgery came back cancer free. How long was your surgery and how did you manage anxiety before the surgery ? I have a 6cm nodule on the left side, FNA shows atypicality but experienced surgeon and radiologist both say it looks benign to them. Hopefully the exercise and eating healthy routine will keep my weight stable. I wanted to share my experience from the UK after surgery because this thread helped me tremendously in the days running up to my op when I was panicking. Thanks everyone for all the support. They may be due to irritation from the breathing tube inserted into the windpipe during surgery, or the result of nerve irritation caused by the procedure. I found this site before my partial op in February, the article and all the comments are so great for info and support! Unable to load your collection due to an error, Unable to load your delegates due to an error. Its not common to remove a nodule thats 1CM approx 3 1/2 becomes suspicious and they suggest to remove. My thought its the healing process. Today he suggested I get the right thyroid removed. I had trouble getting my heart hate up too. Any advice? A partial thyroidectomy means your thyroid gland can produce some thyroid hormone. Also, while the recovery is not bad, it is not fun for a couple of days. Painful recovery but ok? Hope that you are feeling better and are fully recovered. Fatigue may be the one symptom you are experiencing. Also, after surgery I still test in the normal range and do not need thyroid meds. I have had multi nodules for 50 plus years and have grown to 9.65cm almost 4. 7 weeks after partial thyroidectomy and request help with test and levo dosage. Zambeli-Ljepovi A, Wang F, Dinan MA, Hyslop T, Stang MT, Roman SA, Sosa JA, Scheri RP. The surgeons are supposedly going to do this minimally invasively and say I will go home that same day, and will only need to take a week off of work. My area is still numb but I have not problem with moving my neck around as usual. I was told 3 weeks for total recovery, so interesting to hear that many people here experienced a bit longer and were told longer by their doctors! Also a lot of congestion. xoxo. Is this a specialty of Dr Bouvet? Had I waited 6 months to have this surgery, I wouldnt be able to breathe. I dont feel i have any energy. Or I can have a partial and if the 6cm nodule turns out to be cancer (risk seems to be 5-15% from what I have read), then I would have to do a second surgery and get the whole thing out. My challenge is I am allergic to many medications and other allergens including pain medication and most antibiotics. Even Though your levels maybe normal they could be off to effect you. The average dose is 60 to 180 mg/day. Ive felt really well for the first 4 weeks post surgery, but now I feel quite wretched. Your parathyroid glands may not work as well as they should after surgery. TSH .397 and FreeT4 2.04 Getting glucose under control. It was comforting to know what to expect and then to be able to share my experience. Other than that no real symptoms. Good luck to all going thru the same thing. my dr said with 1/2 u are like normal, calcium levels should be fine nothing changes. At my appointment on Tuesday, my thyroid level was still within the normal range (at the high end of the normal range). Im also wondering what my energy level will be like afterward, as well as the scar. I would check my "hemocrit" levels just to make sure that you are not anemic. I find it a little odd that your doctor doesnt want to test for again for another year. Surgery to remove all or part of part or all of the thyroid gland is commonly needed to treat both benign (noncancerous) and cancerous thyroid disease. I had a partial thyriodectomy on 12/2/2019. I know it takes time but it makes me so frustrated and makes me want to burst into tears because I rely on workouts to help me get rid of stress and it just upsets me to not be able to rely on it and I just would like to know if any of yall had this experience and how yall fixed it. It is uncommon, but when it occurs after thyroidectomy, it is usually associated with Grave's disease. Eat a nutritious diet. I waited years before I had this removed because I didnt care for my last doctor. Sun is not good. I was fortunate not to suffer at all from the anesthesia. Good luck to everyone! I told him that he was the expert so he should make the choice. I had multiple nodes on mine, and had been having them drained for the past 2 years. Why I got it done was due to possible concerns if would compromise my breathing, eating, and drinking all together. Plus, the relief of having that out of your neck is wonderful. Geez, Im sorry to hear about the pain and bruising down your chest. My TSH numbers are fantastic. Anyone have similar experience? Levothyroxine replacement therapy after thyroid surgery Thank you so much! I was worried about all of the above just as you areespecially voice and weight. They are removing my right thyroid (4cm nodule) and a left parathyroid gland as there is a small adenoma on it. Most of the experiences on here have put me at ease though, and I thank you all for that. Most likely the remaining half of your thyroid gland is unable to produce enough thyroid hormone for your needs, thus the symptoms you are having. I also get what I call zingers of pain at incision sight. My voice was fine after surgery, just a bit scratchy. The weight gain? Very minor pain after, similar to a sore throat for about 3 days. Confusing symptoms after partial thyroidectomy. I had the right half of my thyroid removed on 04/10/16 due to a Hurthle Cell Adenoma. Thoughts?? Molly, I had my partial thyroidectomy and my surgeon removed a 9.65cm nodule (tumor). Im wondering what life will be like after thyroid surgery. Hi Robin, Thanks. This alarmed my extremely competent doctor and he immediately wanted biopsies, ultra sounds and my first born. My PTH has been elevated as well as my Calcium. If the dose of thyroid hormones are too low, you might experience symptoms such as tiredness, involuntary weight gain, and difficulty focusing. The surgeon has decided that there are some suspicious features and has recommended a partial thyroidectomy to take a closer look. My voice is not completely back to normal (I sing) but its getting there. My appetite has not been much - but i am not losing weight either. UGHHH I am really hoping that the nodules were causing the weight gain and I dont have to join the circus, but instead will return to my slender self again. Thanks! It is so important and under appreciated. Thyroidectomy is the main surgical treatment for thyroid cancer and is a treatment option for certain thyroid conditions, including: Can anyone tell me why they remove the thyroid live entirely as opposed to just remove the nodule? I have a small nodule on the left so my concern is they may decide to take the whole thyroid. Sometimes I just get anxious out of the blue. That makes a huge difference. Your email address will not be published. Patients diagnosed with differentiated thyroid cancer from 2014 to 2015 included in the Georgia and Los Angeles, California cancer registries of the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results program were surveyed 2 to 4 years after diagnosis, and responses were linked to data from the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results registry. Two, he says its not going to get smaller and I might as well remove it now. You may be given antithyroid medicine to lower the amount of thyroid hormone made by your thyroid gland. Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. I am petrified of surgery, however, it needs to come out because people can see it now protruding in my neck. Just wondering about exercise after having surgery; will I have to stop yoga for a while to heal, or does anyone know if I can continue this (lets say a week) after surgery? Hi, Bern, Good luck with your surgery. Much. I has read that someone recommended La Met skin serum but the price is just ridiculous. The edema went away after about 5 days. I finally had it yesterday and it went well, although the nodule was much larger than the ultrasound had detected. I am in San Diego, who are the top surgeons here? I had my thyroid function checked and it is in the normal range. Hi, Christian, I had half of my thyroid removed a year ago for a large (7 cm) nodule benign. Go back for post op appt 9/4. You may need a partial thyroidectomy if you have thyroid cancer or a lump on your thyroid. I am not in the greatest shape, but this will be different for everyone. My recovery was a bit hard because of my reaction to the anesthesia but I think normal recovery is quicker. No less than 50spf suntan lotion if I do, for at least a year! Are you on any thyroid med since the partial thyroidectomy? . If Ann Boleyn felt like I do on the day of her execution shed have skipped all the way to the swordsman and greeted him like a long lost friend !! Things were super easy with the surgery and recovery, except my energy has not returned. Ct scan showed it had deviated my trachea and esophagus to the right and was compressing both. The bigger it got, the more difficult the surgery would be and I would never be as healthy as I am now. Good luck with your recovery. Didn't find the answer you were looking for? Go to the ER and it turns out my parathyroids did not kick in again, so my calcium was at a 6.2. was in the hospital from Sunday through Friday, and finally my calcium was above 8 for 24 hours. The doctor said that with the size of the nodule (7cm), its possible that this side of the thyroid had not been functioning for some time. I had my follow up last Friday (11 days after the surgery) and the incision was healed, the biopsy came back 100% benign. The beginning of the year as exhausting as it is! Basically, if half was removed the other side needs to work harder. Had partial thyroidectomy 11/28/16 after the exploratory did not find anything. Im scheduled for a partial on the 2nd of February. Thanks. Overall, Im doing way better than I thought 3 days after surgery. what did bother me was having to sleep sitting up & for some reason my body ached especially my hip area. I wish I would have found it prior to the surgery. Now, I am ready to get this done, with hopes that, I will have my life back! The comments are encouraging me that not everyone finds out its a cancer diagnosis after the partial removal. Thyroid nodules can contain anything from liquid to solid material. I dont know what this means for my overall health and well-being. Any reader going through this, take a deep breathe and get your nodule/tumor taken out. They did a test when they pulled it out and it came back negative for cancer so they did not take the other half. The features of this nodule upon ultrasound (solid, hypoechoic, hypervascular, longer than wide) indicated the possibility of cancer. I recently had mine removed and a neck dissection, apart from post surgery tiredness during immediate recovery I'm fine in that respect now. I do get tightness sparingly but it seems to happen less and less. It really helped to just take it easy for a good month after surgery. Thank you all for this thread especially the one that started it. With a nodule of that size, even though my 3 biopsies showed benign, there was always the question. I found this article sometime after I found out I had a goiter after a year or so with visiting an ENT after messing up my one of my ears. Then, if the pathology showed cancer cells, he would re-operate to take the other side. After my op my left lobe seemed to be functioning fine (no mroe tremors and other symptoms) for about 2 weeks but then went hypothyroid (a whole new set of symptoms! Has anyone had both surgeries at once? Take it easy longer than you think you have to. What to expect after the operation Royal College of Surgeons Thank you once again for establishing this thread. One has grown to over 4cm now and are now disturbing my ability to swallow large pulls, etc. Maybe ever so slightly hoarse for a few days. 2. I just came across this and I am scheduled 8/22/18 for surgery. Happy Belated 19th Birthday! Thankfully, it was removed easily and didnt require separating the sternum. I had a great surgeon here in NJ..not sure where you are located. I had mine remove last September. I am 5 days post op and feeling pretty good. Between the two years of pondering whether or not I should do this, biopsies and appointments with various surgeons, nothing really prepared me for how it really would go for me, which may be differentfromhow you will recover. FOIA well i was just tired of laying around bcuz im a very active person. I took it easy and was fine after that. It is quite common for the correct dosage to be found to fit an individual. If so, what med and dosage? I live in San Diego (North County) and had a partial right thyroidectomy done on July 17. I just had a partial thyroidectomy 2 days ago. I do keep getting mild headaches and Im still a little tired. Im about to have this surgery and needed to find someones feedback about what is going to happen.I have the full understanding that everyone is different, however up til this point, Ive been coming across a lot of complaining about the process. I also read a lot of horror stories so thank you everyone for writing your experiences. About eight nodules, however, the largest is on the left. I was hesitant about the surgery, but I can honestly tell you that it was not bad at all. I had a transoral partial thyroidectomy two weeks ago (its a relatively new procedure kind of like laparoscopy except they go in through an incision in your mouth instead of your belly button. After that, I used ScarAway silicone strips for about 3 weeks to help fade the scar. LOL! Thoughts? No medication needed. I have had swallowing problems for years and recently it has gotten so bad that I am choking and coughing daily. I was leaned backward for 4 1/2 hours so it explains why I was so sore. I was surprised and relieved yet concerned to hear from my doctor that I need to have the surgery right away. Hoping this helps someone. The goiter tested 3 times benign including the test after surgery. I work from home and initially took 2 weeks but decided on a few more days, generally because I still needed to sleep at odd times. Ive been reading too much and have began to develop some anxiety. This was so helpful to me, I went into hospital so much more relaxed. I noticed that after the surgery, my calcium dropped "alot" causing muscle spasms and tingling (all over), I was very tired but after 3 weeks, I feel good. Once you recovery and the problem persist would advise to get a consult for an endocrinologist. I went to spin class last Saturday & today. I am having surgery next Tues 1/29 for a 4cm nodule on my isthmus. The incision is about 1.5 ins and its healing well. My biopsies came back indeterminate and I did the ASPIRE test, which revealed a 50% chance of malignancy. Just over half were treated with radioactive iodine therapy (56.7%) and thyroid hormone suppression (50.2%) after the thyroidectomy. The scar faded so nicely that Im not even sure I needed it. I was super anxious all month, but so far, Im ecstatic that its out! Any complications ? In your case, youd have to consider that if you dont have the surgery you will probably need scans and biopsies over and over while they monitor this. I am a bit nervous other than visual of the lump NEVER pain until biopsy(its benign) has anyone ever had this doctor in there surgery. In the meantime, my dad passed away andI wasnt in the mood to go under the knife. The surgeon was surprised and even wrote down the name of the Scar Serum to recommend to his clients. I was always so thin and now look like a beer drinking trucker. I actually have more energy now than I had before. Like the original poster, I developed a nasty head cold the week before the planned op date and was worried it would be cancelled. Recovery wasnt bad as I took it easy for the first week and eased myself into working and life the second week. My surgeon used Dermabond and wants to meet in 2 weeks to see how I am healing. 2022 Jun 28;13:875325. doi: 10.3389/fendo.2022.875325. They came back quicker and bigger after each draining. Surgery. Be alert to any new symptoms that may point to hypothyroidism. My experience was very similar to yours. Before It was something I dreaded for ages and then all of a sudden it was done. To avoid any strain on your neck wound you shouldn't lift any heavy objects for about 2 weeks after thyroid surgery. Finally, I say if you can afford to take more time off do it. I would not wait if you have a large nodule, it gets more difficult to remove the larger it gets. Im actually still tired 4 weeks out, but I think I need to have a thyroid test to make sure my right lobe is functioning fully. I did gain a few pounds but I think its to do with age and lots of recent travel. That was a great relief, because my biggest fear was that my voice would be affected. At the time it wasnt clear if I was going to have a partial thyroidectomy or full thyroidectomy, but I wanted to know what to expect in either case. My biopsy result is indetermine with microcalcification. I felt like I always had a sore throat. My worst fear of course are the possible complications. However, he advised to have it removed. My symptoms were nausea, sweats, and some heightened anxiety. In the end, the nodule came out fine without the assistance of the thoracic surgeon. It is such a relief not to feel the full feeling in my throat. Also, even though we dont all know each personally, we do care what happens to each other. The minute my ENT said my trachea was pushed to the side was my decision-making moment. well the lump was getting bigger and it coke was gone so i decided to go straight to a head & neck specialist. eCollection 2023 Jan. Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). This procedure, also referred to as a thyroid lobectomy or partial thyroidectomy, is performed to remove symptomatic or cancerous nodules. The main indications include symptomatic benign thyroid goiter, thyroid carcinoma, and hyperthyroidism refractory to medical therapy. Two questions for those on the other side of this 1) How/when did you take off the glue strip? Its a bit old but its on point. My wound is still a bit swollen. Best to you!! In my case, it was home improvement. Patient-Perceived Lack of Choice in Receipt of Radioactive Iodine for Treatment of Differentiated Thyroid Cancer. I am feeling fine and was feeling fine after about 4 days. Hope this helps. 2022 Aug;16(4):844-852. doi: 10.1007/s11764-021-01078-8. I have a 4cm nodule that has been biopsied 3 times over the last several years but because it continues to grow the doctor said to get it out. I asked my dermatologist how best to avoid scarring and she said that vitamin E and other scarring ointments are basically worthless. Incomfort is also worth mentionning. Endocr Connect. What was your diagnosis in the ER and how long to overcome the symptoms? If you are awake during surgery, you may be asked to speak to your healthcare providers. You will feel such a huge sense of relief once the procedure is over so look forward to that. Tell them if your bandage feels like it is getting tighter. Yes, however 5 months post op and it burn/stings more now then it did. My levels are normal so no one wants to take it out only now I feel like Im choking cant see out of my right eye so I decided to bite the bullet and just do it. I have pain in my neck below the incision site and I cant talk well yet. Thanks for the info. However, my primary doctor has told me not to expect surgery for at least 3 months. Im scheduled for partial thyroidectomy on Monday. . I try to take advantage of those days My nodule was in the middle of the thyroid so the doctor was hoping to take half but I had to take full thyroid, plus 2 parathyroids (one with an cancer specimen, the other was swollen and my mom has a condition with hypercalcemia). What Do Herpes Sores Look Like at Different Stages. Dr mansfield recommend i see an thyroid specialist since the cysts is on the left lobe. Ive certainly gone through my fair share of highs and lows since my surgery. Im sharing this to say you are not wrong to take seriously the difference between having no thyroid and half a thyroid. I just took the bandage off and got a little queasy. I too had a large nodule left love growing down into my chest wall pressing and pushing my treachea. Its nice to hear from others who have gone through it what to expect & how long to expect to be down. I have a large scar on my throat (about 2.5 inches long). The surgery took about 2 hours and really wasnt terrible. I am tired ALL of the time, constantly on the verge of tears, have slight muscle spasms all over but mainly in arms, and heart palpitations..My doctor does not want to entertaint he thought of medication until my "body adusts"in 3 months. My steri strips are still in place and I see the surgeon tomorrow for my post surgery appointment. The only pain after was a sore throat for a few days from the anesthesia tube. Im looking for a specialist that does partials with minimum surgery. "Voice problems after thyroid surgery can significantly reduce quality of life," says Sujana S. Chandrasekhar, MD. The problem with a large nodule is they cant be certain its benign. Why Am I Losing Weight After Thyroidectomy? | Paloma Health since early 50s. Fatigue and quality of life among thyroid cancer survivors without persistent or recurrent disease. I felt pretty good but took it easy for about 2 weeks. I did the ASPIRE test which revealed a 50% chance of malignancy. After researching, I chose them to perform my surgery, because of their experience, and willingly traveled from Pennsylvania to Tampa. Well I turned 50 this year and none of my friends have it, so I was a little frazzled by it all, but I suppose the fact I noticed the lump in my neck and asked questions was a good thing. The day after surgery, I noticed neuropathy in my right hand and wrist and began wearing a wrist splint for the nerve pain. and to have another check-up non December. Again thank you all for your comments. Plus, I am 63 and the doctor said there is no time like the present to have it removed. Sorry for the delay in response it was benign even though it was big! I had it done at Palomar Hospital in Escondido and was very happy with my surgeon and the staff at Palomar. This may be a short-term problem after surgery, or it may be a long-term problem. This seems kind of unlikely to me given the pain Im in right now even despite the 10mg doses every 4 hours. He assures me I will get better soon. 8600 Rockville Pike He also biopsied a small nodule on the left thyroid & a right parathyroid gland. Change in worry over time among Hispanic women with thyroid cancer. They were unable to biopsy twice by aspiration. I am 20 day out now except for a bit of tightness still, I am fine. Did it kick in? Is this normal?? In 2013 had a right thyroidectomy with a removal of a large non-cancerous follicular mass that 7cm4.5cm5cm. Methods: Statewide survey of thyroidectomy patients (2004-2017) was carried out.

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fatigue after partial thyroidectomy

fatigue after partial thyroidectomy

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